Reportage Winter 2017 Student Presentations

Congratulations to the class from my Winter 2017 Reportage course and their excellent presentations. We packed the house on Thursday evening with guests consisting of friends, family and people who have been asking me to attend and participate in the evening. It’s always an inspiring night as an educator to sit back and watch adult learners take off with a new confidence in their choice of study. With (reportage) photography it’s not simply about posting pictures which are pleasing to look at. We also hear the creators reflect on their research and offer us the insights - the successes and failures -  along their journey to producing these fine personal projects.  Bringing a fresh set of eyes vis-à-vis the invited audience allows students to engage in the powerful meetup of idea and visual creation. Always a terrific alchemy to be a part of and simply an aspect of learning which is unexpected. Well done everyone and much success to you in your future!